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Planning Board Minutes 10/18/07

October 18, 2007 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        

Bob Edwards
Bradley Houseworth
Laurie Lemons
Andrew Robblee
Brian Sawich
Steve Schach7
K athy Wasserloos

Member & Staff Absent:          

Mary Allen
Scott Burnside
Joe Koziell
Sandy Snow

Public Attendees:

Leigh Bosse
Nathan Chamberlin

Chair Sawich convened the meeting at 7:00 PM, introduced himself and the Board members, and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

CBS Holdings, LLC; File #2006-01PB; Public Hearing to Consider Revocation of the Cloud Court Subdivision:  Chair Sawich continued the public hearing at the request of the Board to consider whether to revoke the Cloud Court Subdivision on Clinton Road (Rt. 31) in Antrim, just south of the intersection with Rt. 9, because the applicant has not met several conditions of approval.  Mr. Houseworth stated that Mr. Bosse called him on Friday, September 28, 2007 and stated that he approved of the language of the revised, draft agreement and therefore is acceptable to all parties involved.  

Mr. Bosse first wanted to apologize to the Board for missing the Planning Board Meeting on 10/4/07, explaining he had no good excuse and it slipped his mind.

·       Mr. Bosse and Mr. Smith have signed the agreement and they are waiting for the third representative of CBS Holdings, Ms. Cloud, to sign and notarize the agreement in Florida.
·       Mr. Sawich wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to read the agreement and that the entire Board was in agreement with the language.  The Board was satisfied on the language of the agreement.
·       The Board stipulated that any registration fees for the agreement at the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds will be at the expense of CBS Holdings
·       The Board agreed to continue CBS Holdings, LLC revocation public hearing until the agreement is signed in its completion by all partners.
·       Mr. Edwards recommended, and the Board agreed, that they would like Town Counsel to review and register the agreement with the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.

Mr. Edwards moved to continue the revocation public hearing for CBS Holdings, LLC to the next Board meeting on November 1, 2007 at 7:00 PM at the Antrim Town Hall, which was seconded by Mr. Schacht and was unanimously approved.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Robblee - aye, Mr. Edwards - aye, Mr. Sawich - aye, & Ms. Wasserloos - aye.    

IN-EX Homes, LLC; File #2007-10PB; 6-Lot Cluster Housing Subdivision Proposal: Chair Sawich continued the public meeting on the request of IN’EX Homes, LLC for a major subdivision of property located on the South side of Pleasant Street (Tax Map 245, Lot 017) in Antrim, NH 03440, in the Rural Zoning District.  He asked Mr. Houseworth to review the updated information for this application and asked if there was sufficient information submitted by Meridian in order to vote on any checklist items or any of the written waiver requests.  He replied that a lot of items on the checklist have been addressed by Mr. Chamberlin, in addition to a number of sheets being added to the revised plans, and it would be at the Board’s discretion as to whether or not they wanted to wait for the Town Engineer’s complete, updated report and the Conservation Commission’s updated report or review the changes this evening with the information supplied to date.  The Board decided to review the checklist and see if they could vote on the updated information.

·       Mr. Edwards would like to have comments from the Town Road Agent regarding the items on the checklist referencing the proposed driveways, shared driveway, and proposed road, ‘Harriman Way.’  Mr. Houseworth stated that the Planning Dept. has not heard back from the road agent to date but he will draft a written letter to the Road Agent stressing how important it is that we hear his feedback regarding this proposed Cluster Housing Subdivision on Pleasant Street.
·       IN-EX Homes, LLC has not yet received written permission from the abutter across the street, Ms. Micheline DeRosa, to remove a portion of her property to improve the line of sight from the applicant’s access road.  Mr. Chamberlin explained that Mr. Marrotte has been communicating with Ms. DeRosa but there has been no permission granted by Ms. DeRosa for their proposal to date.  Mr. Chamberlin stated that if it falls through, then IN-EX Homes, LLC would have a few other options they can consider, including the removal of material within the road right-of-way, in order to improve the line of sight to the west of the site.
·       The Planning Staff received the Town Engineer’s report late afternoon on 10/18/07, and therefore will need more time to review Mr. Pitsas’ comments and apply his recommendations to the checklist, in addition to the applicant needing time to review his comments and recommendations as well.
·       The Planning Staff also received an updated report from Mr. Beblowski of the Antrim Conservation Commission, which stated that Meridian Land Services, Inc addressed a number of their concerns, but they had a few additional concerns including: 1) the proposed stump burial locations on the property and their proximity to the groundwater table (they should be a minimum of four (4) feet above the seasonal high water table), and 2) a request that a hiking trail be added to the plans to encourage use of the open space lot by the future homeowners.

After a review of the checklist by the Board and a short discussion, Mr. Edwards moved to continue the public meeting of In’Ex Homes, LLC for a major subdivision proposal to the next meeting on November 1, 2007 at 7:00 PM, which was seconded by Mr. Schacht, and was unanimously approved.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Ms. Wasserloos requested that her statement on page 3 of the minutes be corrected, which was done on the final draft.
Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2007 Planning Board meeting, as corrected, which was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos and passed.  

Planning Staff & Budget Subcommittee Meeting - 2008 Budget:  Mr. Houseworth stated that the next subcommittee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 7:00 PM at the Antrim Town Hall.  He stated that the meeting is for the purposes of reviewing and editing the proposed 2008 Planning and Zoning Department Budget.

IN-EX Homes, LLC; File #2007-10PB, Excavation Permit:   Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a copy of the excavation permit which was issued to Phil Marrotte, IN-EX Homes, LLC on 10/11/07.  He stated that changes were made to the excavation form to give more detailed information regarding local, state, and federal permits and their pertinent expiration dates.  He stated that the applicant is in the process of filling out the state’s ‘Notice of Intent to Excavate’ form for tax purposes, which needs to be approved and signed by the Selectmen.  Mr. Schacht stated that only (2) Selectman are needed to sign the state’s ‘Notice of Intent to Excavate’ form.
·       Further discussion is needed between the Board and the Planning Staff as to the most effective way to annually monitor and inspect excavation sites in Town.
·       Mr. Houseworth highly suggested that the Board and Staff make it a priority to determine what the most efficient way is to enforce the existing excavation operational and reclamation standards, and any notes added to the excavation and reclamation plans, in order to confirm compliance with all local and state regs.

Landsite, LLC: File #2007-08ZBA:  Mr. Houseworth reviewed with the members the Zoning Board of Adjustment decision regarding the granting of Landsite, LLC’s request to withdraw their application without prejudice, to a potential future application.  Mr. Houseworth suggested that the Board take this opportunity to consider revising particular zoning ordinances to permit earth excavation sites within particular areas of Town in order to avoid this situation in the future.  He explained that it makes no sense to have a Earth Excavation and Reclamation Regulations Manual without actually permitting earth excavation sites in any of the current zoning ordinances.  Mr. Robblee volunteered his services to work on this project.

Pierce Lake Estates; File #2005-12PB: Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a letter, dated October 10, 2007, from the Town Engineer, Mr. Peter Pitsas, addressed to Mr. Don Glover, Glover Construction, Inc., regarding site erosion issues at the Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision off Pierce Lake Road in Antrim.  He explained that the Town Engineer highlighted a number of erosion issues on the property and asked for a timeline for this work to be completed by.

Steele Pond Development, LLC; File #2006-22PB; Minor Subdivision:  Mr. Houseworth informed the members that the Town has decided to hire Mr. Dennis McKenney, a land surveyor of New England Forestry Consultants, Inc., to finish the minor subdivision plans for the Steele Pond Development, LLC property (Tax Map 213, lot 72) at 11 Old North Branch Road in Antrim, NH.  He stated that Mr. McKenney has met all of the conditions of approval on the Notice of Decision, dated November 22, 2006, except for the requirement that the topographical contour lines and soils data be added to the plan, prior to it being recorded at the Hillsborough Registry of Deeds.   After a short discussion among the members, the Board asked Mr. Houseworth to request this information from Mr. McKenney and it be provided and placed all on one plan, prior to the final mylar being created, signed, and recorded at the registry of deeds.  

Homes at High Hills Subdivision; File #2005-05PB: Mr. Houseworth provided the members with an email received from Ms. Katie Cook asking as to when she can receive a building permit for a model home to be erected in the Homes at High Hills Subdivision off Ashley Road in Antrim.  Mr. Houseworth asked the Board to confirm if there is a standard policy of when building permits can be issued for recently approved major subdivisions involving new roads.  The Board stated that there is no standard policy and it will have to be determined on a case by case basis, with a joint, collaborative effort by the Building Inspector, Town Engineer, and Planning Staff.
·       Homes at High Hills are looking to do potentially two (2) Model Homes.
·       Mr. Edward’s stated that if all safety issues are met then we should be able to issue building permits because the Town still has a valid letter of credit, which will cover the Board if they don’t comply with all conditions of approval.
·       Mr. Edwards will provide a case law for clarification.
·       Chair Sawich stated he is comfortable with issuing the building permit as long as Peter Pitsas is monitoring the project and all safety issues have been addressed.

NH OEP – ‘Floodlines’ Newsletter:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the latest newsletter from the New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning (NH OEP) for the National Flood Insurance Program.  He stated that the new Hillsborough County FEMA flood maps should be finalized soon and become effective in the near future.

Upcoming Workshops:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with an advertisement for the following workshop: “NU 101 – An Introduction to the New Urbanist Planning and Design,” on Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:30am – 3:30pm, Reynolds Hall, 53 Concord St, Peterborough, NH.  Admission:  $15.00 (CNU NE members $10).

Maharishi Global Development Fund; File #2007-015PB:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with an e-mail from the Maharishi Global Development Fund inviting Town Officials to a meet and greet event on November 3, 2007 at 5:00PM.

Mr. Edwards moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Ms.Wasserloos and was unanimously passed.  Chair Sawich adjourned the meeting at 11:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Lemons, Planning Assistant
Antrim Planning Board